In the wake of an extraordinarily impactful inaugural year, the Smiley Future Positive Creators Fund® embarks on its second year.
We're thrilled to celebrate the second iteration of the Future Positive Creators Fund, a £500k monetary fund and mentorship support scheme designed to help game-changing designers at global fashion weeks.
The fund was born out of Smiley’s Future Positive sustainability initiative corresponding with our partnership with the United Nations to deliver UN-SDG Goal 12: Responsible Consumption & Production. It has been designed to assist emerging creators in transitioning towards a more ethical, responsible, and circular approach to design, sourcing, and manufacturing.
We've launched our second season of the Future Positive Creators Fund by supporting Saul Nash at London Fashion Week.
2024 Future Positive Creators Fund Collaborators
Previous Future Positive Creators Fund designers include; AHLUWALIA, AGR KNIT, CHET LO, KEVIN GERMANIER, RICH MNISI, and SHUTING QIU.