

Lucky strike feat. KAWALA x MARKET

被称为 Urban Outfitters 一代的孟买自行车俱乐部,@kawalagramis 是一支来自充满活力的伦敦卡姆登区的乐队。

他们以朗朗上口的独立民谣曲调和充满活力的现场表演而闻名,在这里可以看到他们将复古外观与爵士美学相结合。詹姆斯穿着 Market 保龄球衫开球;手链在洛杉矶缝制和印花,搭配舒适的 Moschino 针织套头衫。

Daniel 身穿 Stuff Maker Smiley 超大号刺绣毛衣,并搭配醒目的 Triya 旅行衬衫。

精选品牌:MarketMoschinoStuff Maker(AW21 Archive)、Triya

Jim from KAWALA sat on a bowling ball, wearing Market bowling shirt from the Smiley & Market collaboration.

Jim and Dan from KAWALA wearing Smiley clothing. Jim is wearing a Market x Smiley bowling shirt and Dan is wearing a Stuff Maker x Smiley embroidered sweater.

Dan from KAWALA is wearing a Stuff Maker x Smiley embroidered sweater holding a bowling ball above his head.

Jim from KAWALA wearing a black jumper from the Smiley & Moschino collaboration.

Jim and Dan from KAWALA wearing Smiley clothing. Jim is wearing a black Smiley & Moschino jumper and Dan is wearing a eye-catching travel shirt from Triya & Smiley

Dan is wearing a eye-catching travel shirt from Triya & Smiley, looking at the camera in front of an arcade.

